TCM Herbs s.r.o.
Czech English Deutch

Grace of Slender Gazelle®

Grace of Slender Gazelle®

Affects based on the TCM:

  • Eliminates stagnation and accumulation of food JI SHI
  • Eliminates stagnation of qi QI ZHI from the middle warmer ZHENG JIAO
  • Dries harmful dampness SHI from the middle warmer ZHENG JIAO
  • Harmonizes the central warmer ZHENG JIAO and function of the spleen PI and stomach WEI
  • Drains dampness and heat SHI/RE from the bottom warmer XIA JIAO
  • Brisks up blockade of blood YU XUE and disperses accumulations


  • Obesity
  • Excessive hunger or excessive craving for sweets
  • Digestive discomfort – feeling of heaviness after eating
  • Increased cholesterol and blood lipids
  • Swelling of the body due to water retention

Packaging: 100 tablets / 30 g (100% natural, natural cellulose max. 1% is the only binding agent; made from concentrated herbs at a ratio of 5:1, i.e. 5 g of dried herbs are used per gram of herbal tablets)
